European Research Network on PhilanthropyMeetings, conferences and events
In order to facilitate communication and cooperation between ERNOP members and other philanthropy researchers and practitioners interested in (European) philanthropy research, ERNOP organizes a biennial international research conference. We are proud that this flagship event is considered one of the leading philanthropy research conferences in Europe.
At our other biennial event, A Gathering of Academic research centers and chairs on Philanthropy in Europe (AGAPE), (academic) directors and executives from institutional ERNOP members collectively address common challenges and develop new initiatives.
Both events also aim to foster exchange with representatives from philanthropy and policy and have side programs that are explicitely focused on bringing together academics and professionals to engage in an in-depth conversations about issues that matter to philanthropy.
Besides these conferences, ERNOP members can meet ad hoc and informal during events that bring together a significant share of our members, or through the online events that are organised throughout the year.