Registration and preparation
To make sure that sessions facilitate in-depth exchange, the number of participants that can participate in the event is limited to 8 people for each space. Participation is free, but participants to the event will have to apply for participation by stating in a short motivation why they should participate. Also, before the event, each participant will have to formally agree on the Chatham House Rule: participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.
The Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing will publish a special issue of 5 open access ‘Dialogue Papers’ that include academic presentation of state-of-the-art on a given theme with reflections from the practitioners. The ‘Dialogue Papers’ will be written by the academic and practitioner that moderate a safe space and will be send to participants two weeks in advance. Participants are invited to write a commentary after the event.
An editorial committee consisting out of representatives from ERNOP, Philea and JPM will facilitate the publication process.
Registration for the Safe Spaces is no longer possible.