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ERNOP Online Series 2024-2025

What we really know why people give: Debunking the myths of donating

December 10, 2024, 10-11am (CET)

Speakers: René Bekkers (VU Amsterdam)

Discussant: Mårten Palmefors (Giva Sverige)

About this seminar:

This ERNOP Science and Society webinar will delve into one of the most fundamental questions in the philanthropic sector: Why do people give?  People may give for all sorts of reasons, like wanting to help others (altruism), being aware of social issues, or to boost their reputation. While these reasons have been discussed in literature, uncertainties remain as to which of these findings are reliable and remain significant or important in repeated studies.

René Bekkers, Professor of Philanthropy and Director of the Center for Philanthropic Studies at VU Amsterdam will explore this complex topic, looking at both the drivers of individual giving and the gaps in our understanding. The session will begin with a critical look at what makes empirical research findings robust and how practitioners can assess the validity of the claims they encounter in the literature. René will provide a practical toolbox to equip participants with the skills to better evaluate research and apply it meaningfully in their work.

In the second part of the webinar, René, joined by Mårten Palmefors from the Swedish Fundraising Association (Giva Sverige), will explore which mechanisms behind donor behavior are most likely to hold up to further scrutiny, giving participants a clearer sense of what to expect from future research. Participants will gain insights into the strengths and limitations of existing studies and learn how to critically evaluate findings in the context of their work. By understanding which key drivers of charitable giving are likely to remain significant, practitioners will be better equipped to improve donor engagement, refine fundraising strategies, and increase the impact of their philanthropic initiatives.

Registration will open soon.

About René Bekkers 

René Bekkers is a full Professor of Philanthropy and the Director of the Center for Philanthropic Studies at the Department of Sociology of the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. His research takes a multidisciplinary perspective on the determinants and consequences of charitable giving and volunteering, and on contributions to nonprofit organizations as well as their societal impact. Recently, René has expanded his focus to include meta-science and research integrity, advocating for greater transparency in academic research.

About the Center for Philanthropic Studies  

Founded in 1995, the Center for Philanthropic Studies, part of the Department of Sociology at Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, conducts research on all aspects of philanthropy, including charitable giving, foundation grants, blood donations, and volunteering. The Center’s members actively contribute to undergraduate and graduate education within the Faculty of Social Sciences and offer post-academic programs tailored to professionals in the Dutch philanthropic sector.

About Mårten Palmefors 

Mårten Palmefors is a senior analyst at Giva Sverige focused on monitoring and understanding the landscape of charitable giving in Sweden. Mårten works with analyzing trends, donor behaviors, and the factors influencing giving patterns to be able to provide Giva Sveriges member organizations with a better understanding of the current state of giving.

About Giva Sverige

Giva Sverige is the Swedish Fundraising Association, a membership organization dedicated to promoting transparency, professionalism, and ethical standards in fundraising. Giva Sverige support charities, non-profit organizations, and other actors within the philanthropic sector by providing guidance, best practices, and a platform for collaboration. Through research, advocacy, and education, Giva Sverige aims to enhance the public’s trust in charitable giving while enabling organizations and individuals to improve their fundraising strategies and impact.