European Research Network on PhilanthropyCopenhagen Business School
Centre for Civil Society Studies
Website: Centre for Civil Society Studies
Liv Egholm Feldt
Copenhagen Business School
Centre for Civil Society Studies
email: le.dbp@
Anker Brink Lund
Copenhagen Business School
Centre for Civil Society Studies
email: abl.dbp@
Gitte Meyer
Copenhagen Business School
Centre for Civil Society Studies
email: gm.dbp@
Maria Figueroa
Copenhagen Business School
Centre for Civil Society Studies
email: mf.dbp@
Caroline Tygstrup Greiffenberg
Copenhagen Business School
Centre for Civil Society Studies
email: ctg.dbp@
Emma Sander Poulsen
Copenhagen Business School
Centre for Civil Society Studies
email: ep.dbp@
Foundations in Europe (FOUIEU) is financed by Tuborgfondet investigated input, output and impact of foundation and self-owning institutions focusing specifically of the contribution to art, culture and research. The project design is comparative and includes 30 countries.
Impact of the Third Sector as Social Innovation (ITSSOIN) is a EU 7th framework project. The consortium which includes researchers from ten European research institutes carry out comparative analyses in nine different countries. CBS Center for Civil Society Studies carries the main responsibility for the parts of the project related to sustainability and media coverage.
The Making of ‘Well-Being’ in Talk and Action (TRIVSEL) is financed by TrygFonden and maps out current research on well-being (or a lack hereof). The goal is to assess the interplay between social economy and quality of life on a regional level. Additionally, critical analyses of current happiness-rhetorics will be carried out.
Civil Society in the Shadow of the State (CISTAS) is financed by Carlsbergfondet. Based on studies of history and the current, the project investigates to what extent non-profits have contributed to a sense of coherence and development of specific democratic traditions and organisations in Denmark.
Current state of Giving Research in Denmark
Information on the current state of giving research will follow shortly.
Anker Brink Lund & Gitte Meyer / Civilsamfundets ABC – fonde og foreninger i krydsfeltet mellem stat og marked.Købehavn : Møller 2011, 176 p.
Anker Brink Lund / Third Sector Frames and Social Innovation: Content Analysis of Newspaper Attention. Paper presented at the ISTRA-conference, Stockholm 30.6.2016, 30 p.
Anker Brink Lund; Anton Sylvest Lilleør / Media Framing of Third Sector Activities in Europe. Brussels : European Commission 2015, 53 p.
Anker Brink Lund; Christian Edelvold Berg / Dansk Fondshistorie. København : Djøf / Jurist- og Økonomforbundet 2016, 252 p.
Anker Brink Lund; Christian S. Nissen / Denmark: Three Challenges and a Fine Kept Balance
I: Public Value Report 2013/14. red. /Konrad Mitschka. Wien : Der Österreichische Rundfunk 2014, pp. 31-33 (TEXTE – Öffentlich-rechtliche Qualität im Diskurs)
Anker Brink Lund; Maj Lervad Grasten / A Legal Genealogy of Public-Benefit Foundations in Continental Europe. Paper presented at the DBP-conference, Copenhagen 1.12.2016, 15 p.
Anton Sylvest Lilleør; Anker Brink Lund / State of Giving Research in Denmark. Amsterdam : ERNOP 2016, 12 p.
Gitte Meyer / Civilsamfundets stemmer – syv samataler fra foreningsdanmark. København : Møller 2017, 127 p.
Gitte Meyer / Lykkens kontrollanter- trivselsmålinger og lykkeproduktion. København : Djøf / Jurist- og Økonomforbundet 2016, 252 p.
Maria Figueroa; Anker Brink Lund et al. / The Impact of the Third Sector on Social Innovation. Heidelberg : 2016, 108 p.
René Bekkers; Anker Brink Lund / Perceptions of the Third Sector. Heidelberg : 2014, 31 p.