To acknowledge the great work that is being done by researchers across Europe and beyond, the ERNOP board is pleased to announce that during the 9th international conference that will take place on July 4-5 at the University of Basel, Switzerland, ERNOP will continue to award the best conference paper with the ERNOP Best Conference Paper Award. The award, which is made possible by the Transnational Giving Europe network, will comprise out of an Award Certificate and € 1000,-. All submitted full articles will be reviewed on their originality of contribution to knowledge, quality of argument (analysis of concepts, theories and finding, consistency and coherency of debate), positioning of the paper in existing literature and the quality of writing in terms of accuracy, clarity and readability.
At the 2017 ERNOP conference in Copenhagen, ERNOP awarded its Best Conference Paper Award to was awarded to Beth Breeze from Kent University and Pamala Wiepking from RSM Erasmus University for their paper entitled ‘Different Drivers. Exploring Employee Engagement in Corporate Philanthropy’.