The ERNOP Research Notes for Philanthropy Practitioners are easy-to-read, nicely edited and visualised two-page summaries of academic articles from ERNOP members focusing on implications for practice. The notes will be published quarterly, starting today with our first research notes on volunteering, fundraising, corporate foundations and activating children’s philanthropic citizenship.
How to make volunteering more inclusive?
Authors: Philine van Overbeeke; Stephanie Koolen-Maas; Lucas Meijs; Jeffrey Brudney
Provided by: Teresa Sofia from the Centre for European Volunteering (CEV)
Certain groups tend to be excluded from volunteer opportunities based on perceptions about lack of previous volunteering experience and perceptions by receiving organisations. What strategies can be used by organisations that recruit and place volunteers to guarantee a more diverse and inclusive environment for participants?
> Click here to open this research note.
Showing donation amounts of other donors increase average donation amounts
Authors: Claire van Teunenbroek; René Bekkers; Bianca Beersma
Provided by: Claire van Teunenbroek and Barry Hoolwerf from the European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP)
What happens when fundraisers mention the donation amount of other donors? This article explores how donation amounts can be increased without donors feeling unhappy about donating a higher amount.
> Click here to open this research note.
Corporate Foundations as Partnership Brokers in Supporting the SDGs
Author: Theresa Gehringer
Provided by: Sevda Kilicalp from the Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea)
To what extent do Corporate Foundations (CF) consider SDGs in their processes and activities? To what extent do CF perceive themselves as initiators of cross-sector collaborative arrangements to support SDGs? This article seeks to understand whether corporate foundations (CF) proactively incorporate SDGs and agree on their role to act not only as direct financiers but also as brokers facilitating the process of cross-sector partnerships.
> Click here to open this research note.
Developing a children’s rights approach to fundraising and the ethics of cultivating philanthropic citizenship
Authors: Alison Body; Emily Lau; Lindsey Cameron; Shazza Ali
Provided by: Simona Biancu from the European Fundraising Association (EFA)
Many successful fundraising initiatives involve children in primary schools. However, children’s engagement in fundraising is often passive, without an actual awareness of their choices. Is this passive engagement in fundraising ethical? Is this approach able to foster long-term engagement and, in the end, an effective children’s philanthropic citizenship (CPC)? If not, how can CPC be encouraged and developed by NPOs and schools?
> Click here to open this research note.
About the ERNOP Research Notes
Most academic research on philanthropy is underutilised, while on the other hand, there is a need for practitioners to learn from academics. Given limited resources within the academic and philanthropy community, academic insights should be used as much as possible. However, practitioners rarely have time and access to the work published in academic journals. Besides, not all content of academic papers is relevant for practitioners. At the same time, academics often do not have time and/or skills to make their work accessible for practitioners and, what’s more, they get little rewards for doing so as the number of individual publications is often too limited to build a constituency. Therefore the European Research Network On Philanthropy (ERNOP) – the academic network of philanthropy researchers in Europe – develops the ERNOP Research Notes.
The Research Notes are an initiative by ERNOP and endorsed by the European Fundraising Association (EFA), Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea), the Centre for European Volunteering (CEV) and the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA).
More information about the Research Notes can be found here.